QS provides homes and business with an eco-friendly solution for dealing with food waste.. Our Bio Digesters are designed to support the circular economy by turning food waste into a valuable resource that can be used to enhance soil quality. We take pride in our commitment to sustainability and continuously strive to create innovative solutions that help our customers meet their sustainability goals.
Any business (or home) which produces food waste will know that disposal options are becoming increasingly expensive and cumbersome. We end up with yards or areas full of unsightly & unpleasant smelling food waste bins. These spaces can then unfortunately attract pests. In addition, we depend on polluting trucks to take away our food waste.
Keeping organic materials out of bins and away from landfills is hugely beneficial for the environment. When these materials decay in your bins and landfill, methane and carbon dioxide are released into the air, which is harmful to the environment and contribute to climate change. Food Waste contains a range of essential nutrients, these are lost when sent to landfill. Our Biodigesters process food waste, retaining these nutrients in soil enhancer. The soil enhancer is then used to replenish soil that has been excessively harvested. Replacing the carbon, ammonia and phosphorus that helps inspire strong growth.
Unsustainable agricultural practices such as excess harvesting far exceed the rate of soil replacement production. Valuable nutrients such as phosphorus are not being replenished as a result. The tillage of agricultural lands, a process where the soil is broken up into finer particles has been exacerbated in modern times due to mechanical agriculture machinery that enables deep ploughing and this greatly increases the rate of soil erosion.
Our commercial range reduces waste management costs by creating the optimal environment for on-site aerobic digestion of large volumes of organic waste.
Application Sites
Hotel, Restaurant, Shopping mall & Supermarket, Food factory, School, Hospital, Airport, Maritime, Community
For more information, please don't hesitate to contact us to find out what solution fits your business best with the option of leasing.